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This privacy notice covers and the data we collect from you when you use that site to contact us or buy our products or services.

These are our reasons for collecting it, what we do with it and what your rights are.


Who are we?

Evoke ASMR is the trading name of Sarah Nicholson.  You can email us at Our business address is 28 Newport Road, Great Bridgeford, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST18 9PR, UK.

We are the data controller for the processing described in this notice.


Purpose of processing

We process your personal data to respond to enquiries about our products and services via our contact form, and to process sales of our products in our online shop.


Basis of processing

When you complete our contact form we process your personal data under the lawful basis of our legitimate interest in responding to your enquiry (GDPR Lawful Basis 6.1(f)).

When you buy something from us, or are enquiring about buying something from us, we are processing your personal data for the performance of a contract with you (GDPR Lawful Basis 6.1(b)).


Special category data

There are additional rules we must follow if we collect certain types of more sensitive data, known as Special Category Data.  These include details of your ethnicity, beliefs, health and sexuality.  We do not collect any special category data about you from our website.


What personal data do we collect?

We will collect and store the following data when you contact us:


  • Your title and name

  • Your email address

  • Other contact information you may provide within the free text fields.


When you are buying our products via our online shop we are collecting:


  • Your title and name

  • Your email address

  • Your delivery address

  • Your phone number

  • Your payment details


We process purchases from our site using the Wix ecommerce platform and our fulfilment partner Printful. We only retain essential information for us to deliver the products to you and retain no payment details.


Do we ever share personal data?

We will share your data if required to do so by a legitimate law enforcement agency. 


When you submit your personal data online your data is held by our partner who hosts our website (Wix) and our fulfilment partner who will ship our products (Printful).  Both Wix and Printful are based in the USA and are registered with the EU-US Privacy-Shield programme to safeguard your rights under GDPR.


We have appropriate agreements in place with these third parties to uphold our obligations as the data controller and safeguard your rights and freedoms.

We will never share or sell your data to other third parties without your permission.


How do we keep your data secure?

We take sensible steps to keep your data secure:


  • All data sent between your browser and our website is encrypted in transit

  • All data we hold in our computers are encrypted at rest


Payment details processed by our fulfilment partner are done in accordance with the PCI-DSS standard for enabling secure payments.


Your Rights

You have a number of rights relating to the processing of your data, if you would like to use them then please contact us at the above address, or use the website contact form, or email us at


We won’t charge you for doing any of the following, however we may make a charge in the case of frequent repeat requests:


  • Access:  You have the right to a copy of the data we hold about you

  • Rectification:  If you think some of the data we hold is wrong then you have the right to ask us to correct it

  • Erasure:  You have the right to ask us to delete the data we hold about you where the lawful basis for processing is based on your consent

  • Restriction:  You have the right to ask us to temporarily cease processing your data, for example you can ask us to restrict processing whilst we verify corrections which you have requested

  • Informed:  You have the right to be fully informed about why and how we process your information.  This privacy notice is intended to meet that requirement, but please do contact us if you have any questions

  • Object:  You can object to us processing your data where the lawful basis is processing in our legitimate interest.

  • Portability:  You have the right have a copy of your personal data in a standard machine readable format which you can then provide to an alternate supplier.

  • Automated decision making:  We don’t apply any automated decision making algorithms for the processes covered by this privacy notice


How long do we keep your data for?

We will retain your data until you object to our processing, where the lawful basis for our processing is our legitimate interest in responding to your enquiry. We will retain your data for seven years, where the lawful basis for our processing is to perform a contract with you.



We do not use any non-essential cookies on our website.


What happens when I follow links to other sites?

If you follow a link from our site to another site then you should read the privacy notice on the other site prior to providing your data to them.


Where do we process data?

We process data at the address shown above.  Our web hosting provider, and product fulfilment provider, are both based in the USA and are both registered with the EU-US Privacy Shield programme.


Making a complaint

Please contact us at the above address, or via email at   You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on their helpline 0303 123 1113 or online at  If you should contact the ICO they will normally ask you to contact us first.


Evoke ASMR – Website Privacy Notice V 1.0 – April 2020

Copyright 2024 @ EVOKE ASMR 

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